Mission Statement

The Milford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a commercial district revitalization program dedicated to improving the economic viability, beauty and historic significance of the DDA District and by building an attractive environment in which people can shop, live and play.

We closely follow the nationally recognized model for downtown revitalization: The National Main Street Center, an arm of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. We do this by concentrating our efforts on public improvements through urban design and ordinance language, private developments, economic restructuring and business recruitment and retention.

Tax Dollars at Work

Public Improvement Projects

  • Center Street Park
  • Main Street 1985
  • South Side Streetscape Enhancements
  • Riverview Park
  • Union Street Parking and Beautification Project
  • Mill Pond Pathway Project
  • Summit Street and North Milford Road Mill and Overlay Project
  • North Milford Road Reconstruction
  • GM/Milford Road Island
  • Liberty Street Improvements
  • Main Street ’02: Sidewalks and Road Improvements
  • Heritage Wheel Sculpture

Private Improvement Projects

(Site Plan Negotiations)

  • Huron Street Office Development
  • Milford Village Medical Center
  • Bondy Office Building on Main
  • Rite Aid Building
  • Mill Valley
  • Kroger Expansion
  •  Bondy, North Milford Road
  • Taco Bell
  •  McDonald’s
  • Hector & Jimmy’s
  • Commercial development north of Hector & Jimmy’s

Village Ordinance Revisions

  • Milford Corridor Plan Downtown Overlay District
  • Water and Sewer Fee Structure for Restaurants
  • Brownstone (townhouses in the downtown district) Language
  • Tax Increment Financing Plan
  • Sign Ordinance, downtown and allowing perpendicular signs
  • West Oakland Corridor Study
  • Parking fees/study

Other Projects

  • Downtown Market Analysis
  • Retail Consultation Seminars
  • Grant Writing
  • Volunteer Organization
  • Donations Fund Administration
  • Downtown Farmers’ Market
  • “Meet Me In Milford” logo/slogan development
  • Downtown Holiday Parking Program
  • Secured 2 DDA Liquor licenses
  • Downtown Pedestrian Signs
  • Downtown Walking Map
  • Maintenance of the DDA Projects through the District
  • Participated with the Road Commission in Oakland County regarding the proposed state trunkline linking 96 to 59
  • Set up a Resource Council for Main Street ’02 Project
  • DDA Website
  • “Meet Me In Milford” Window Stickers
  • Channel 7 Holiday Promotion Commercial
  • Main Street ’02 “there’s something in the air” slogan
  • Main Street ’02 Tool Kits
  • Main Street ’02 Shop and Dine Promotion
  • Main Street ’02 “Two Men and a Cart” Promotion
  • “Meet Me In Milford” Tissue Wrap Promotion
  • Milford Times Marketplace Ad
  • Milford Times Cooperative Advertising
  • Milford Calendar of Events
  • Main Street Sound System



Union Street




Historical Society




Mill Pond Pathway


Private Donations


Pavillion Donations


M. Manufactoring


In Kind


Heritage Wheel


Walmart Grant





$25.000 (in kind/ROW)


$25,000.00 (in kind/ROW)


$150,000.00 (100 @ $1500 ea)

Southside 2011


Milford Trail


Center Street Gazebo


Motley Lights




Flat Iron


Milford Amp




*Includes grants: The DDA administered this grant. We did not secure it.

Board of Directors

A thirteen member Board of Directors appointed by the Village Council, is chaired by Dale Feigley. Village President Jerry Aubry serves on the Board and nominates members. Board Members represent business and property owners, and residents of the community. The DDA Board meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Milford Civic Center, 1100 Atlantic Street, at 7:30 a.m. The meeting is open to the public.

Board Position Title Name
Board MemberVillage Council PresidentJerry Aubry
ChairProperty OwnerDale Feigley
Vice chairGina's BridalTrevor Salaski
Board MemberProperty OwnerJeff Heyn
Board MemberThe Clothing CoveEric Horsely
Board MemberResident, Attorney at LawRichard Lippitt P.C.
Board MemberUnilockTom Niebauer
Board MemberResidentAndrea Perry
Board MemberYour Nesting PlaceChristine Meredith Roy
Board MemberAmericusToni Vulaj
Board MemberProspect Hill & Village Commons EastMarc Weinbaum

Act 57 Reports

Annual Act 57 Report

Annual Act 57 Report

2023-2024 Report


SECTION 125.4910

Each municipality that has created an authority or that creates an authority shall create a website or utilize the existing website of the municipality that is operated and regularly maintained with access to authority records and documents for the fiscal year beginning the effective date of this act, including all of the following:

(a) Minutes of all board meetings.

(b) Annual budget, including encumbered and unencumbered fund balances.

(c) Annual audits.

(d) Currently adopted development plan, if not included in a tax increment financing plan. (TIF Plans at the bottom of this webpage)

Included in the TIF Plan

(e) Currently adopted tax increment finance plan, if currently capturing tax increment revenues.

See1998 Plan with 2003 and 2015 Amendments

(f) Current authority staff contact information.

Ann Barnette, 1100 Atlantic Street, Milford

(g) A listing of current contracts with a description of those contracts and other documents related to management of the authority and services provided to the authority.

Organization and Administration:

  1. Franco Public Relations Group, public relations and marketing, Scope of Services, Annual Contract; provide strategic message development, media relations, social media support, email marketing, quarterly photography and annual videography
  2. ASTI Environmental Group, environmental consulting, professional services, as-needed basis
  3. Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn, legal counsel for real estate and contract law

Gardening, ROW Maintenance

  1. Brien's Lawn Service, lawn and garden maintenance, ROW Maintenance Contract; Mowing, edging, tree trimming and cleanup.
  2. Landscape and Design Associates, LDA ROW Contract Executed and LDA Overhead Watering Contract Executed; Watering, fertilizing, and maintaining overhead presentation.
  3. Stuart Leve, annual gardening and maintenance of downtown tree beds and Commerce Road underpass; Spring/Fall cleanup, weeding, mulching, and shrub pruning.

Capital Improvements;  Central Park

  1. General Contract, Site Improvements, Artisan Sitework Contract; removals, clearing, topsoil stripping & stockpiling, earthwork, rough & fine grading, storm sewer, utility adjustments, electrical service, outlets & lighting, asphalt & concrete paving & curbing, retaining walls, sports courts, landscaping, irrigation and site furnishings.
  2. Boardwalk and Platform, Artisan Boardwalk Contract; construction of Deck and Boardwalk on helical piers, steel and wood structure with composite decking, cable style handrails and custom steel and aluminum swings.
  3. Central Park Pavilion, John Stewart Pavilion; construction of pavilion.
  4. Landscape Architectural Services, GMA CP Design Services Proposal June 2023 and GMA 2 Contract; research proposed materials, provide hardscape, landscape, lighting and furniture layout for all project related sites, prepare design documents, drawings and technical specifications for bidding and construction, bid assistance and review, assist in preparing documents and presentations for all meetings and board reviews.
  5. Zeimet Wozniak, Construction Surveying, Grading/Staking, Zeimet Proposal; Provide all staking and marking of grade and layout of board walk, sports courts, parking lots, pavilion, walkways and drainage swales.
  6. Dave Peterhans, Architectural Consulting; general architectural consulting services.

All other documents related to the DDA are available at the Village Civic Center at 1100 Atlantic Street, Milford, Michigan, 48381

(h) An updated annual synopsis of activities of the authority. An updated synopsis of the activities of the authority includes all of the following, if any:

(i) For any tax increment revenues described in the annual audit that are not expended within 5 years of their receipt, a description that provides the following:

N/A. All collected taxes have been expended within 5 years of collection

ACT 57 REPORT, FY 23-24

ACT 57 REPORT, FY 22-23

ACT 57 REPORT, FY 21-22

ACT 57 REPORT, 20-21

ACT 57 REPORT, 19-20


(ii) List of authority accomplishments, including progress made on development plan and tax increment finance plan goals and objectives for the immediately preceding fiscal year.

Completed a pedestrian connection to the TRW Site via Commerce Road and the RR tracks

Public Relations and marketing campaign:
Franco PR annual report (update in January 2022)
Created new Downtown Newsletter
Annual seasonal shopping campaign

Completed preliminary investigations and drawings for Central Park


(iii) List of authority projects and investments, including active and completed projects for the immediately preceding fiscal year.

Finished negotiations for Summit View redevelopment project

Public relations and marketing campaign for Meet Me in Milford, supported with media acquisitions, and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds

Overhead Flowerpots, gardens and Right-of-Way enhancements and maintenance

Central Park 2023/24 Project.  Design, bid, and contract for major improvements to the infrastructure, plantings, trees, fencing, irrigation, driveways, parking lots, and sports facilities in the park.

Executed the EGLE Grant and Loan Disbursements for Summit View Development on 120 Summit.

Central Park CRP Grantwriting


(iv) List of events and promotional campaigns for the immediately preceding fiscal year.

Sponsored, Co-sponsored or supported the following events:

  • Summer Concert Series
  • Friday Night Live Concert Series
  • Christmas Open House Campaign
  • Sidewalk Sales
  • Milford Home Tour
  • Milford Memories
  • Milford Farmer's Market

Supported via social media and PR campaign the following:

  • Martin Luther King Day events
  • Local merchant events and specials
  • SHAC Arts Center events
  • Milford Historical Society events
  • Merchant Public relations for various holiday stories, such as Valentines, Halloween, St. Patty's Day, Easter, Christmas, etc.
  • Ladies Night Out (2)
  • The Big Reveal event


Agendas and Minutes

Annual Media Reports

The Milford Downtown Development Authority contracts with the Detroit-based Franco marketing firm to help tell Milford's story. Franco helps with social media, press relations, marketing and event promotions. A solid partner of downtown Milford for over ten years, the firm has helped guide the discussion of Milford's greatest assets, including our historic downtown, Milford's position as the center of numerous parks and greenbelts, the Huron River Water Trail and a regionally-linked and popular Milford Trail bike path.

DDA and Tax Increment Finance Plans and Amendments